a new pond
We don't always know where we are going until we get there. Or at the very least, until we see something we recognize.
The Fine Art of Character Maintenance
Our characters bring forth the essence of life itself, and why we live it.
A long bi-week of books in print and Tweeting with grackles
Liquid Can Create Words
The time has come for new words. And as they say in the old country,
"Whiskey goes in, Wisdom comes out."
Doing Things Differently
Do what you love for the same reason you'd write "Kilroy was here" on a wall.
Falling In Love With Your Characters
The writing is good when you love a character as if they are in the room and related to you.
How Not To Write
Books. Sometimes they multiply like rabbits. (Yes, that's a pun, and no, you aren't supposed to get it just yet.)
I Remember "Seeing Stars"
If you have not heard By Chance Or Design by I Fight Lions, you're missing something good in your life.
Ya Gotta Retool
I am not on Wheel of Fortune. I don't need extra vowels.
The Joy of Releasing Things
Sometimes the world of publishing automation is not a sea of love. Here is why.