I Remember "Seeing Stars"

Two things happened on April 5th. The first, only because I released it technically before the 5th, and Amazon only acknowleged it then, was the release of the memoir/essay/whatever thing I called Almost Half.
At the same time, something even better was being released from Northern Cyrmu, which is of course where my family originates some 300 years ago. That "even better" was the album By Chance Or Design by I Fight Lions.
They have a song called Seeing Stars, and it hit me hard, because if you are astute enough to listen to the lyrics, I know exactly what is being talked about, and you will, too. An entire section of one of my chapters in Almost Half is about this very thing.
If you are a creative person, your creations have a reason. We have an idea of what we think "love" is. We can write about it, sing about it, and paint to it all day. We are of course proud of the things we do. We should be. We created them. A part of our souls spoke when we did them.
Inevitably, however, we will hopefully one day find ourselves no longer talking about the ocean and find ourselves in the ocean, wet and gazing down at the ocean floor in wonder.
That ocean is when we actually find ourselves in love.
Everything that happened before that will pale in comparison, and everything we create after that will be fresh and new because it has been infected with a first hand element that we have a new first-hand knowledge of.
It's paramount to touching the divine.
The song simply moved me, because I too have sat at a table with similar realizations, and nowhere near this perfect of a way to say them.
It's like having an itch that you just can't reach, and then that itch becomes completely soothed. You're grateful and in a moment of bliss.
Let's forget for a moment that this is possibly one of the first English language albums I can find from this band, and let's also forget that I primarily use their music to help me learn my native language of Cymraeg that was taken from us when we moved to America back in the 1700s.
Let's forget that they have a history of wonderful music, anyway.
Some albums are just perfect in their creation and their flow. The way they move your spirits like a stream from one piece to the next. Some might say Pink Floyd's The Wall does that, for me it has usually been Sonic Temple by The Cult, or Moment of Truth by Terri Nunn. That's its own novel.
As a listener, I am always on the lookout for an album that moves me deeply in a purely sonic way. That is the whole blood and bones of music, and entertainment in general. It gives you a place and a point in time to reference that you either have never been to, or you are trying desperately to remember, and the emotional state and feelings that belong to that point in time and space. It makes its own home.
This album has pretty much been that for me.
You can get a copy of this album at the link above, or find them on Spotify or Soundcloud.
Show the home team some love. I'm confident you'll be glad you did.