Day 12 - A Little Too Sweet
The covid is slipping, and the sugar issues are back.
Day 9 - Back to the Stone
After a week of battling Covid, I return to the pay job.
Day 8 - Gas in the Tank
Beginning Week 2 with the Thesis Energy formula.
Day 7 - Creativity Blend Review
Week One review of the Thesis Creativity blend.
Day 4 - Will The Real Doctor Please Stand Up?
Here's the drink that helped me kick covid.
Day 3 - The Thing That Would Not Be
Covid is tearing through the house.
Many of my worst symptoms are now gone, but I still have the sore
Day 2 - Testing the Waters
Happy Lammas to all that celebrate. For me, I am on day two of both this adventure and the covid
Day 1 - Wrapped in a Bow
This might not be bad after all. Oh, and I have Covid.