Sion Jones - June 2022 Newsletter

We are almost halfway finished with 2022. Can you believe it?

I hope you had a delightful Beltane, and now that we are headed into the oncoming heat of summer, there is so much to look forward to in life.

To let you know more of what's been going on in my neck of the Lone Star, I have been using a good bit of my spare time gearing up for a podcast that should go live later this year called The Half Bottle Podcast. We will be primarily on Spotify but distributed anywhere you get your local podcasting goodness.

As far as written materials, I can verify that Softly She Waits For Winter,  the second novel in the Jakub Riser series, is complete. It was gently edited since the absorption into Aethem Press and will release soon, likely without fanfare, but I will let you know when it is out.

There are other projects in the works at the moment; one non-fiction work I won't discuss any further, but I will gossip about the three fiction works in process.

The one I have been working the hardest on recently and is supposed to be the first out the door is Men Who Sell Dust. It's technically labeled science fiction but is actually satire in the vein of my late mentor, and I only hope I do him justice. You should get a chuckle or two or plenty from it, and if you don't, there is always a wobbly table somewhere.

I hope to complete it this month, and it tells the tale of a poor bastard who got his hands on a unique fidget spinner, only to find its feature base to be very different.

Next is another release in the Veil Series. If you're unfamiliar, this series is directly tied in with the character base of the Jakub Riser series, providing backstories and other adventures of the men and women detailed there.

The novel, Remember Me, Anteros tells a story of unrequited and sometimes unrecognized love primarily found during a dream state. There are characters in this work that you will meet in the third novel of the Riser series that I will mention next.

Finally, the third book scheduled this year is Flow, book three in the Riser series. If you were wondering, and this may be the only venue that I admit this on, there are thirteen novels in the Jakub Riser series.

It's going to be one hell of a roller coaster ride for that guy.

This one is the last one scheduled at the moment; however that may change based on how everything else plays out. We shall see.

I hope that you have a wonderful month and the beginning of a bright and beautiful fun-filled summer.