Sion Jones - January 2023 Newsletter

Happy New Year!

We begin a brand new revolution around the sun, and hopefully, this one will bring you joy and good memories.

This month brings many new things, including two new columns, one daily and a Sunday weekly column, named The Daily Grind and The Write Grind, respectively.

The Daily Grind has been available on my website and on Medium for about a month now, and The Write Grind will release its first post in March.

We will also tighten our sales ship; while my books are widely available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and plenty of other outlets, we will be providing the opportunity for direct sales, so you know your hard-earned money is supporting independent publishing 100%.

While I have several works in progress, I am considering working on the first book in the Citrus Trilogy called Operation:Limoncello, which is a humor/satire work. We'll see where it takes us.

Thank you for all of your support in 2022, and may this year be fruitful for all.